- DOSITS Online Educator Professional Development Certificate Program
- Learn ocean acoustics from theory to data practice with interactive Jupyter notebooks!
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- About DOSITS
- Science of Sound
- Sound
- Sound Movement
- How fast does sound travel?
- Why does sound get weaker as it travels?
- How does sound move?
- How does sound travel long distances? The SOFAR Channel
- Sound Scattering Layers
- How does sound propagate from air into water?
- How does sea ice affect how sound travels?
- How does sound propagate through sediment?
- Sound Measurement
- Sounds in the Sea
- What are common underwater sounds?
- What are soundscapes?
- How do people and animals use sound in the sea?
- How does sound in air differ from sound in water?
- Why do sounds have certain properties?
- How will ocean acidification affect ocean sound levels?
- How does marine life affect ocean sound levels?
- How does shipping affect ocean sound levels?
- Noise Field in the Arctic
- How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect underwater sound?
- Advanced Topics in Sound
- What is intensity?
- Introduction to Decibels
- Introduction to Signal Levels
- Signal Processing
- Nyquist Sampling
- Sound Pressure Levels and Sound Exposure Levels
- Frequency Weighting of Signal Levels
- What is source level?
- Introduction to Phase
- Ocean Noise Variability and Noise Budgets
- Cylindrical vs. Spherical Spreading
- Propagation from a sound source array in the near field and far field
- How does sound move? Wave Propagation and Huygens’ Principle
- How does sound travel in shallow water?
- Statistical Uncertainty
- How does sound travel in very shallow waters?
- SONAR Equation
- Detection Threshold for Sonar
- Propagation Modeling
- Science of Sound Summary
- Animals and Sound
- Importance of Sound
- Use of Sound
- Sound Production
- Sound Reception
- Effects of Sound
- Determine if a sound affects a marine animal
- Potential effects of sound on marine mammals
- Potential effects of sound on marine fishes
- Potential effects of sound on marine invertebrates
- Measure marine mammal’s reaction to sound
- Moderate or eliminate the effects of human activities
- Anthropogenic Sound Sources
- Advanced Topics in Anmials
- Blast Injury, Barotrauma, and Acoustic Trauma
- Detection Threshold in Animal Hearing
- What components of sound are used for hearing?
- Acoustic Masking in Mammals
- How did odontocete hearing evolve?
- Marine Mammal Hearing Attenuation
- Hearing Loss Advanced Topic
- Specialized Sounds in Cetacean Communication
- Population Consequences of Disturbance
- Low Frequency Sound Production and Reception in Mammals
- Animals and Sound Summary
- People and Sound
- Navigation
- Fishing
- Communication
- Research Ocean Physics
- How is sound used to measure temperature in the ocean?
- How is sound used to measure global climate change?
- How is sound used to measure currents in the ocean?
- How is sound used to measure waves in the surf zone?
- How is sound used to measure the upper ocean?
- How is sound used to help make long-term measurements of the ocean?
- Examine the Earth
- How is sound used to study the Earth’s history?
- How is sound used to explore for oil and gas?
- How is sound used to measure, detect, and track oil?
- How is sound used to study undersea earthquakes?
- How is sound used to study underwater volcanoes?
- How is sound used to map the seafloor?
- How is sound used to research wind energy?
- Using acoustics to explore the unknown ocean
- Investigate Marine Animals
- How is sound used to study marine mammal distribution?
- How is sound used to estimate marine mammal abundance?
- How is acoustics used to monitor Arctic marine mammals?
- How is sound used to protect marine mammals?
- How is sound used to measure plankton?
- How is sound used to study the distribution of marine fishes?
- How is active acoustics used in fisheries research and management?
- How is sound used to study coral reefs?
- How is sound used to identify ecological hotspots?
- How is sound used to monitor and study seagrass beds?
- Study Weather
- National Defense
- History of Underwater Acoustics
- The Discovery of Underwater Acoustics: Pre-1800s
- The First Studies of Underwater Acoustics: The 1800s
- The First Practical Uses of Underwater Acoustics: The Early 1900s
- World War I: 1914-1918
- Between World War I and World War II: The 1920s and 1930s
- World War II: 1941-1945
- The Cold War: History of the SOund SUrveillance System (SOSUS)
- People and Sound Summary
- Decision Makers
- DOSITS Webinars
- Decision Maker Tutorials
- Decision Makers Effects of Sound Tutorial Introduction
- Determine if a Sound Affects a Marine Animal Tutorial Introduction
- Decision Makers Science of Sound Tutorial Introduction
- Science Tutorial: What is Sound?
- Science Tutorial: How do you characterize sounds?
- Science Tutorial: Amplitude (Intensity)
- Science Tutorial: Frequency
- Science Tutorial: Wavelength
- Science Tutorial: Sound Speed
- Science Tutorial: Sound Spreading
- Science Tutorial: Sound Absorption
- Science Tutorial: How does sound in air differ from sound in water?
- Science Tutorial: How are sounds viewed and analyzed?
- Science Tutorial: Sound Pressure Levels and Sound Exposure Levels
- Decision Makers Sound Source Tutorial Introduction
- Reference List: Animals and Sound
- Ocean Sound Policies
- DOSITS Resources for Decision Makers
- Units Page for Regulators
- Scientific Method
- Scientific Uncertainty
- Webinar Archive: Signal Processing 101 & Soundscapes
- Galleries
- Audio Gallery
- Marine Mammals
- Baleen Whales
- Toothed Whales
- Amazon River Dolphin, Boto
- Baiji, Yangtze River Dolphin
- Beaked Whales
- Beluga Whale, White Whale
- Bottlenose Dolphin
- Common Dolphin
- Dall’s Porpoise
- False Killer Whale
- Finless Porpoise
- Harbor Porpoise
- Australian Humpback Dolphin
- Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin
- Killer Whale, Orca
- Melon-headed whale
- Narwhal
- Pantropical Spotted Dolphin
- Pilot Whale
- Risso’s Dolphin
- Rough-toothed dolphin
- Sperm Whale
- Spinner Dolphin
- White-sided Dolphin
- Pinnipeds
- Sirenians
- Marine Invertebrates
- Fishes
- Arctic Char
- Atlantic Croaker
- Bar Jack
- Barred Grunt
- Bigeye Scad
- New Zealand Bigeye
- Black Drum
- Bluestriped Grunt
- Brown meagre
- Clownfish
- Cusk Eel
- Dusky Damselfish
- Garibaldi
- Gulf Corvina
- Longhorn Sculpin
- Haddock
- Lusitanian toadfish
- Nassau Grouper
- Northern Seahorse
- Oyster Toadfish
- Painted Goby
- Plainfin Midshipman
- Red Drum
- Red Grouper
- Rock Hind
- Sand Seatrout
- Spotted Seatrout
- Hardhead Sea Catfish
- Silver Perch
- Stoplight Parrotfish
- Striped Searobin
- Weakfish
- Other Natural Sounds
- Anthropogenic Sounds
- Airgun
- ATOC Transmission
- Bubble Curtain
- Dredging
- Explosive Sound Sources
- Icebreaker
- Mid-frequency Active Sonar Sound
- Multibeam Echosounder
- Ocean Acoustic Tomography Transmission
- Outboard Motor
- Personal Water Craft (PWC)
- Pile Driving
- Ship
- Sonar
- Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System Low Frequency Active (SURTASS LFA) Sonar Sound
- Sound of Aerial Drones Underwater
- Tidal Turbine
- Torpedo
- Underwater Breathing Apparatus
- Wind Turbine Sounds
- Audio Gallery Summary
- Marine Mammals
- Scientist Gallery
- Technology Gallery
- Career Gallery
- Biological Oceanographer
- Commercial diver
- Commercial Fisher
- Deep-Sea Biologist
- Ichthyologist
- Marine Mammal Trainer
- Marine Mammalogist
- Marine Resource Manager
- Plankton Biologist
- Zoologist
- Acoustician
- Electrical Engineer
- Mechanical Engineer
- Ocean Engineer
- ROV Pilot/Technician
- Geophysicist
- Marine Seismologist
- Physical Oceanographer
- Marine Lawyer
- Marine Educator
- Marine/Maritime/Underwater Archaeologist
- Audio Gallery
- Resources
- Resource Categories
- DOSITS Videos
- DOSITS Publications
- DOSITS Power Points
- Media Backgrounder
- Resources for Educators
- Feature Sounds
- Feature Sound: Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate (ATOC)
- Featured Sound: Beluga Whale
- Feature Sound: Bottlenose Dolphin
- Feature Sound: Haunting Refrains (Humpback whale)
- Feature Sound: Lightning Striking the Sea!
- Feature Sound: My Life as a Raindrop
- Feature Sound: Ship Noise
- Feature Sound: Snapping Shrimp
- Feature Sound: Sounds from Below
- Feature Sound: Waves
- Classroom Activities
- Articles
- Meetings
- Resource Categories
- Tutorials
- Facts and Myths
- What’s New
- Glossary
- Sitemap
- DOSITS Disclaimer
- Hot Topics
- Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS): Shedding light on passive acoustics
- Underwater Sound and Coral Reef Restoration
- Using Drones to Deploy Digital Acoustic Tags
- Glacial Calving in the Arctic Produces Record Source Levels
- Seafloor exploration with fin whale calls
- Sound waves from earthquakes can reveal changes in ocean temperature
- Underwater Acoustic Impacts of COVID-19
- Killer Whales and Vessel Noise
- Seismic Airguns
- Measuring Methane Bubble Plumes
- Listening to Monterey Bay
- Passive Acoustic Monitoring Critical to Vaquita Conservation Efforts
- NOAA Acoustic Guidance
- Sounds from the Challenger Deep
- Tracking Great White Sharks
- Monitoring Wind Farm Construction
- Ocean-Based Renewable Energy
- Mass Strandings
- Searching for MH370
- Hearing Sensitivity