2023 Webinar Series

The DOSITS Webianr Series is a free, four-part webinar series on underwater sound. Each webinar is scheduled for approximately 60 minutes and will be comprised of a presentation by one or more experts (topics listed below), followed by a period of facilitated discussion. The webinar series is open to all interested individuals, however, registration is required (see below). Webinars will be hosted via Zoom, however, the webinars will also be streamed live on YouTube. Participants can ask questions in through either platform. All webinars will be recorded and the webinar recordings will be available on the DOSITS website (and on Vimeo).

DOSITS will offer a Certificate of Professional Development in association with the 2023 Underwater Acoustics Webinar Series. There are no fees associated with this certificate. To confirm participation, email addresses will be collected. To receive a certificate, interested individuals must:

  • Participate in all four of the webinars in the 2023 series (either via the live webinar events, or watching webinar recordings once posted to the DOSITS website)
  • In addition to webinar participation, after each webinar, interested individuals must complete a brief, post-webinar questionnaire. The link will be sent to webinar registrants after each webinar. Each webinar will have its own questionnaire to complete (each questionnaire will have a unique link). 
  • Individuals must use the same full name and email address in their certificate questionnaires for all four questionnaires to ensure the DOSITS Team can verify your participation. Individuals are encouraged to use the same name and email for registration and certificate questionnaires.

If you have any questions, please contact the DOSITS Team at dositswebinar@uri.edu.

Completed 2023 Webinars

Natural underwater sounds overview on a global scale

April 25, 2023

Dr. Jen Miksis-Olds, University of New Hampshire, Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space.

Extreme natural sounds

June 6, 2023

Dr. Jackie Caplan-Auerbach, Western Washington University.

Saturn Project Results: Marine Mammals and Vessel Noise

September 27, 2023

Dr. Dominik Nachtsheim, Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation, Germany.

Dr. Charlotte Findlay, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Marine Bioacoustics Lab at Aarhus University, Denmark.

How Marine Mammals Respond to Underwater Ambient Noise

October 25, 2023

Dr Fannie Shabangu

DOSITS Webinar Archives

Archived DOSITS Webinars from past series