Webinar Archive: Multibeam Echosounders (MBES)

Multibeam Echosounders (MBES) – September 18, 2024

Hilary Kates Varghese, BOEM

Dr. Hilary Kates Varghese is a marine bioacoustician with the Bureau of Ocean Energy’s Center for Marine Acoustics. Her current work is centered around understanding and managing potential acoustic impacts to marine life associated with offshore energy development. Before her time at BOEM, Hilary studied the potential impact of deep-water ocean mapping sonar (12 kHz MBES) on beaked whale foraging behavior and the acoustic environment, completing a dissertation on the subject in 2021. Dr. Kates Varghese is a member of the Acoustical Society of America and participates in the Standards committee ISO/TC 43/SC 3/WG6 on bioacoustics terminology.

Michael Smith, Kongsberg Discovery

Michael Smith is an acoustician at Kongsberg Discovery working with shallow water mapping systems. He received his B.S. in Ocean Engineering at the University of Rhode Island in 2015. He completed his Master’s of Ocean Engineering – Ocean Mapping at the University of New Hampshire. Prior to Kongsberg Discovery, Michael was a research engineer at the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center at the University of New Hampshire. His research focus was on a variety of topic relating to multibeam echosounders including system calibration, backscatter collection/processing, and modelling for environmental impact. Michael continues to be an active member of the research community and has recently provided information on multibeam echosounders for the DOSITS website.

Watch the Webinar Recording: Multibeam Echosounder (MBES)