Resources for Educators
The Resources for Educators include Printed Resources, Books with Activities for Teachers, Books for Students, and Internet Resources. They are presented below organized by the sections of the DOSITS website: Science and Sound, Animals and Sound, People and Sound, Technology and Sound.
Science of Sound in the Sea Resources for Teachers
Printed Resources
- Albers, Vernon. M. 1970. The world of sound. South Brunswick, A. S. Barnes. 241 p.
- Albers, Vernon. M. (ed). 1972. Underwater sound. Stroudsburg, PA, Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross. 468p.
- Andrew, R.K., Howe, B.M., Mercer, J.A., and Dzieciuch, M.A. 2002. Ocean ambient sound: Comparing the 1960s with the 1990s for a receiver off the California coast. *Acoustics Research Letters Online, 3(2):65-70.
- Ardley, Neil. 1991. The Science Book of Sound. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Orlando, FL. 29 p.
- Bifano, T.G, Cleveland, R.O., Compton, D.A. and Pierce, A.D. 1999. “A novel microelectromechanical system (MEMS) design for an underwater acoustic field sensor”. Acoustical Society of America 137th Meeting, Berlin, Germany, March 1999.
- Feravolo, Rocco and McFall, Christie (Illus). 1962. Wonders of Sound. New York, Dodd, Mead. 64 p.
- Geralton, James and Krush, Joe (Illus). 1948. The Story of Sound. New York, Harcourct, Brace. 74 p.
- Glencoe Science: Introduction to Physical Science. 2002. McGraw Hill- Companies.
- Lyon, Sue. 1993. Science in Motion. The Marshall Cavendish Guide to Projects and Experiments; Light and Sound.
- Medwin, H. and Clay, C. S. 1998. Fundamentals of Acoustical Oceanography. Boston: Academic Press. 712p.
- Moore, B.C.J., Glasberg, B.R. and Baer, T. 1997. A model for the prediction of thresholds, loudness, and partial loudness. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, Vol. 45, No. 4, page 232.
- National Research Council. 2003. Ocean Noise and Marine Mammals. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 192 pp.
- Oates, Eddie Herschel. 1995. Making Music: 6 Instruments You Can Create. New York: Harper Collins. 1995.
- Old McDonald Had a Farm, by Child’s Play International.
- Office of Naval Research. 2001. “Final Environmental Impact Statement for the North Pacific Acoustic Laboratory, May 2001”. Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA.
- Parker, Steve. 1989. The Ear and Hearing. London; New York: F. Watts. 40 p.
- Parsons, Alexandra and Barnes, Jon (Illus.). 2001. Make it Work Sound. Haslam, Andrew (ed). Chicago, Ill.: World Book in association with Two-Can. 48 p.
- Pout, James and Bienvenue, Gordon. 1990. Acoustics for You. Malabar, FL: R. E. Krieger Pub. Co. 266 p.
- Richardson, John W., et al. 1995. Marine Mammals and Noise. Academic Press. San Diego, CA. 576 p.
- Urick, Robert J. 1983. Principles of Underwater Sound. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. 423 p.
- Watlington, Frank. 1979. How to Build and Use Low-Cost Hydrophones. 1st ed. Tab Books. Blue Ridge Summit, PA. 140 pages.
- Wenz, G. M. 1962. Acoustic ambient noise in the ocean: Spectra and sources. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 34, 1936-1956.
Books with Activities for Teachers
- DiSpezio, Michael and Leary, Catherine (Illus). 1999. Awesome Experiments in Light and Sound. Sterling Publishing, New York, NY. 160 pages.
- Kaner, Etta and Phillips, Louise (Illus). 1991. Sound Science. Perseus Publishing. 96 p.
- Levine, Shar and Johnstone, Leslie. 2000. Science and Sound of Music. Sterling Publishing Co. Inc. New York, NY. 80 p.
- Morgan, Sally and Adrian. 1994. Designs in Science: Using Sound. Facts on File, New York, NY. 48 pages.
- Siepak, Karen Lee. 1994. Step-by-Step Science Series: Sound. Carson-Dellosa Publishing Co., Inc. Greensboro, NC. 48 pages.
- Sound, 1997. Student Activity Book, National Science Resource Center.
Books for Students
- Brown, Margaret Wise. The Seashore Noisy Book. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1941.
- Darling, David. 1991. Sounds Interesting: The Science of Acoustics. Dillon Press, New York, NY. 59 pages.
- Evans, David and Williams. 1993. Sound and Music. Penguin Books Ltd. 32 p.
- Freeman, Ira M. 1961. All About Sound and Ultrasonics. Random House, New York, NY. 141p.
- Gibbons, Gail. 1999. Exploring the Deep, Dark Sea. Little Brown, Boston, MA. 30 p.
- Gray, Samantha. 2001. Ocean. Dorling Kingsley Pub. Co., New York, NY. 47 p.
- Hann, Judith. 1991. How Science Works. Reader’s Digest Association, Pleasantville, NY. 192 p.
- Israel, Elaine. Making Sounds. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY. 16 p.
- Keen, Martin L. 1962. The How and Why Wonder Book of Sound. Wonder Books, NY. 48 p.
- Sound. Teacher’s Guide. Science and Technology for Children. 1997. Carolina Biological Supply Co., Burlington, NC. 62 p.
- Swallow, Su. 1991. Amazing Sea Facts. Mallard Press. 32 p.
Internet Resources:
- “Acoustic and Vibration Animations.” (Link)
- “CBATS Lesson plans – The SOFAR Channel.” (Link)
- “How Many? A Dictionary of Units of Measurement.” (Link)
- “HyperPhysics – Reflection of Sound.” (Link)
- “HyperPhysics – Sensitivity of the Human Ear.” (Link)
- “NAS Beyond Discovery – Sounding Out the Ocean’s Secrets.” (Link)
- “NOAA Ocean Explorer – Technologies for Ocean Acoustic Monitoring.” (Link)
- “NOAA Vents Program – The SOFAR or deep sound channel.” (Link)
- “NPL Technical Guides – Speed of Sound in Seawater.” (Link)
- “Physics Classroom – Properties of Waves.” (Link)
- “Physics Classroom – Reflection, Refraction, and Diffraction.” (Link)
- “Physics Classroom – Sound Properties and Their Perception.” (Link)
- “Physics Classroom – The Nature of a Sound Wave.” (Link)
- “Physics Classroom – The Speed of Sound.” (Link)
- “PMEL Vents – Underwater Acoustics Tutorial.” (Link)
- “PMEL Vents Acoustics Tutorial – Sound Speed.” (Link)
- “SeaWorld – Communication and Echolocation.” (Link)
- National Academy of Sciences, “Sounding Out the Oceans Secrets.” (Link)
- “St. Andrews University, U.K.: Varying signals.” (Link)
- “ Inside Audio: Levels.” (Link)
- “Unit Conversion Tools.” (Link)
Animals and Sound in the Sea
Printed Resources
Sound Production and Reception
- Au, W. W.L., Popper, A. N., and Fay, R. (editors). 2000. Hearing by Whales and Dolphins. New York: Springer-Verlag. 384.
- Au, W.W.L. “A comparison of the sonar capabilities of bats and dolphins,” in Echolocation in bats and dolphins. Edited by J. Thomas, C. Moss, and M. Vater. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Au, W.W.L. and K.J. Benoit-Bird. 2003. Automatic gain control in the echolocation systems of dolphins. Nature 423 (19 June 2003): 861-863.
- Barimo, J. F. and Fine, M. L. 1998. Relationship of swim-bladder shape to the directionality pattern of underwater sound in the oyster toadfish. Canadian Journal of Zoology 76(1): 134-143.
- Evans, H. D. 1998. The Physiology of Fishes, Second Edition. CRC Press, New York.
- Fine, M.L., Friel, J.P., McElroy, D., King, C.B., Loesser, K.E. and Newton, S. 1997. Pectoral spine locking and sound production in the channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus. Copeia 1997(4): 777-790.
- Fine, M.L., Malloy, K.L., King, C.B., Mitchell, S.L. and Cameron, T.M. 2001. Movement and sound generation by the toadfish swimbladder. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 187: 371-379.
- Fish, M. and Mowbray, W. 1970. Sounds of Western North Atlantic Fishes. Baltimore: The John Hopkins Press. p. xiii-xvi.
- Heyd, A. and Pfeiffer, W. 2000. Sound production in catfish (Siluroidei, Ostariophysi, Teleostei) and its relationship to phylogeny and fright reaction. Revue suisse de Zoologie 107(1): 165-211.
- King, J.E. 1983. Seals of the World, 2nd ed. Comstock Publishing Associates, Ithaca, NY.
- Lohse, D., Schmitz, B. and Versluis, M. 2001. Sanpping shrimp make flashing bubbles. Nature 413(6855): 477-478.
- Pabst, D.A., Rommel, S.A. and McLellan, W.A. 1999. The Functional Morphology of Marine Mammals. Pages 15-72 in Reynolds, J.E. III and Rommel, S.A. (eds.). Biology of Marine Mammals. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C.
- Patek, S.. 2001. Spiny Lobsters stick and slip to make sound. Nature 411: 153.
Tavolga, W. N. (editor). 1977. Sound Production in Fishes. Sroidsburg: Dowden, Hutchingson, & Ross Inc.
- Tavolga, W. N. (editor). 1976. Sound Reception in Fishes.
- Versluis, M., Schmitz, B., Heydt, A. and Lohse, D. 2000. How snapping shrimp snap: through cavitating bubbles. Science 289 (5487): 2114-2117.
- Wartzok, D. and Ketten, D.R. 1999. Marine Mammal Sensory Systems. Pages 117-175 in Reynolds, J.E. III and Rommel, S.A. (eds.). Biology of Marine Mammals. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C.
- Webb, J.F. 1989. Gross morphology and evolution of the mechanoreceptive lateral line system in teleost fishes. Brain, Behavior and Evolution 33: 34-53.
- Webb, J.F. 2000. Mechanosensory Lateral Line: Functional Morphology and Neuroanatomy. In: (G. Ostrander, ed.), pp. 236-244. Handbook of Experimental Animals -The Laboratory Fish. London, Academic Press.
- Wells, R.S., Boness, D.J. and Rathbun, G.B. 1999. Behavior. Pages 324-422 in Reynolds, J.E. III and Rommel, S.A. (eds.). Biology of Marine Mammals. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C.
- Yost, W.A. 1994. Fundamentals of Hearing: An Introduction. 3rd ed. Academic Press, New York, NY.
Use of Sound
- Amorim, M.C.P. and Hawkins, A.D. 2000. Growling for food: acoustic emissions during competitive feeding of the streaked gurnard. Journal of Fish Biology 57: 895-907.
- Baird, R.W. 2000. The killer whale – foraging specializations and group hunting. In Cetacean Societies: Field Studies of Dolphins and Whales. Edited by Mann, J., *Connor, R.C., Tyack, P.L. and Whitehead, H. University of Chicago Press.
- Connor, R.C., Heithaus, M.R., Berggren, P. and Miksis, J.L. 2000. “Kerplunking”: Surface fluke-splashes during shallow-water bottom foraging by bottlenose dolphins. Marine Mammal Science 16(3):646-653.
- Ellison, W.T., Clark, C.W. and Bishop, G.C. 1987. Potential use of surface reverberation by bowhead whales, Balaena mysticetus, in under-ice navigation: Preliminary considerations. Report of the International Whaling Commission 37:329-332.
- Elsner, R. 1999. Living in water: solutions to physiological problems. Pages 73-116 in Reynolds, J.E. III and Rommel, S.A., (eds.). Biology of Marine Mammals. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C.
- Evans, H. D. 1998. The physiology of fishes second edition. CRC Press, New York.
- Fish, M.P., and W.H. Mowbray. 1970. Sounds of Western North Atlantic fishes. Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, MD. 205. Recordings of 153 species of fish from the Western North Atlantic compiled by Marie P. Fish and William H. Mowbray.
- Hopp, S.L., Owren, M.J., and Evans, C.S. (editors). 1998. Animal Acoustic Communication: Sound Analysis & Research Methods. New York: Springer-Verlag.
- Ketten, D.R. 1994. Functional analyses of whale ears: Adaptations for underwater hearing. I.E.E.E. Proceedings in Underwater Acoustics 1: 264-270.
- Klages, M. Muyakshin, S. Soltwedel, T. and Arntz, W.E. 2002. Mechanoreception, a possible mechanism for food fall detection in deep-sea scavengers. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 49(1): 143-155.
- Mann, D.A., Lu, Z. and Popper, A.N. 1997. A clupeid fish can detect ultrasound. Nature 389(6649): 341.
- Miksis, J.L., Tyack, P.L. and Buck, J.R. 2002. Captive dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, develop signature whistles that match acoustic features of human-made model sounds. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 112 (2): 728-739.
- Myrberg, A.A., Jr., Gordon, C.R., and Klimley, A.P. 1976. Attraction of free ranging sharks by low frequency sound, with comments on its biological significance. Pages 205-228 in Schuijf, A. and Hawkins, A.D. (eds.). Sound Reception in Fishes. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, New York.
- Norris, K.S. 1980. Peripheral sound processing in odontocetes. Pages 495-509 in Busnel, R.G. and Fish, J.F. (eds.). Animal Sonar Systems. Plenum, New York, NY.
- Patek, S.N. 2001. Spiny lobsters stick and slip to make sound. Nature 411:153.
- Payne, R.S. and Webb, D. 1971. Orientation by means of long range acoustic signaling in baleen whales. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 188:110-141.
- Popper, A. N. and Fay, R.R.. 1993. Sound detection and processing by fish: critical review and major research questions. Brain, Behavior and Evolution 41: 14-38.
- Schuijf, A. and Hawkins, A.D. 1976. Sound reception in fish. Development in aquaculture and fisheries science, volume 5. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam.
- Sebeok, T. (editor). 1977. How Animals Communicate, Indian University Press, Bloomington, 305-307.
- Tavolga, W. N. 1977. Sound production in fishes. Benchmark Papers in Animal Behavior V.9. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc.
- Tavolga, W. N. 1976. Sound reception in fishes. Benchmark Papers in Animal Behavior V.7. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc.
- Tyack, P.L. 1999. Communication and Cognition. Pages 287-323 in Reynolds, J.E. III and Rommel, S.A. (eds.). Biology of Marine Mammals. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C.
- Tyack, P.L. 2000. Functional Aspects of Cetacean Communication. Pages 270-307 in Mann, J., Connor, R.C., Tyack, P.L., and Whitehead, H. (eds.). Cetacean Societies: Field Studies of Dolphins and Whales. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.
- Wartzok, D., Elsner, R., Stone, H,. Kelly, B.P. and Davis, R.W. 1992. Under-ice movements and the sensory bias of hole finding by ringed and Weddell seals. Canadian Journal of Zoology 70:1712-1722.
- Wartzok, D. and Ketten, D.R. 1999. Marine Mammal Sensory Systems. Pages 117-175 in Reynolds, J.E. III and Rommel, S.A. (eds.). Biology of Marine Mammals. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C.
- Wells, R.S., Boness, D.J. and Rathbun, G.B. 1999. Behavior. Pages 324-422 in Reynolds, J.E. III and Rommel, S.A. (eds.). Biology of Marine Mammals. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C.
- Yan, H.Y., Fine, M.L., Horn, N.S. and Colón, W.E. 2000. Variability in the role of the gasbladder in fish audition. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 186: 435-445.
Effects of Sound on Marine Animals
- Au, W.W.L., Nachtigall, P. and Pawloski, J.L.. 1997. Acoustic effects of the ATOC signal (75 Hz, 195 dB) on dolphins and whales. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 101(5):2973-2977.
- Au, W.W.L. and Penner, R.H. 1981. Target detection in noise by echolocating Atlantic bottlenose dolphins. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 70: 251-282.
- Au, W.W.L., Floyd, R.W., Penner, R.H. and Murchison, A.E. 1974. Measurement of echolocation signals of the Atlantic bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus Montagu, in open waters. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 54: 1280-1290.
- Baird, R.W., Ligon, A.D., Hooker, S.K. and Gorgone, A.M. 2001. Subsurface and nighttime behaviour of pantropical spotted dolphins in Hawai’i. Canadian Journal of Zoology 79: 988-996.
- Costa, D.P., Crocker, D.E., Gedamke, J., Webb, P.M., Houser, D.S., Blackwell, S.B., Waples, D., Hayes, S.A., and Le Boeuf, B. J. 2003. The effect of a low-frequency sound source (acoustic thermometry of the ocean climate) on the diving behavior of juvenile northern elephant seals, Mirounga angustirostris. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 113(2):1155-1165.
- Erbe, C. and Farmer, D. 1998. Masked hearing thresholds of a beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) in icebreaker noise. Deep-Sea Research Part II 45(7): 1373-1388.
- Finley, K.J., Miller, G.W., Davis, R.A., Greene, C.R. 1990. Reactions of belugas and narwhals to ice breaking ships in the Canadian high arctic. Can. Bull. Fish. Aq. Sci. 224:97-117 p.
- Finneran, J.J. 2003. Whole-lung resonance in a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and white whale (Delphinapterus leucas). Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 114(1): 529-535.
- Finneran, J.J., Carder, D.A. and Ridgway, S.H. 2002. Low-frequency acoustic pressure, velocity, and intensity thresholds in a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and white whale (Delphinapterus leucas). Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 111(1, Pt. 1): 447-456.
- Frankel, A.S. and Clark, C.W. 1998. Results of low-frequency playback of M-sequence noise to humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, in Hawai’i. Canadian Journal of Zoology 76: 521-535.
- Frankel, A.S. and Clark, C.W. 2000. Behavioral responses of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) to full-scale ATOC signals. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 108(4): 1930-1937.
- Frankel, A.S. and Clark, C.W. 2002. ATOC and other factors affecting the distribution and abundance of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) off the north shore of Kauai. Marine Mammal Science 18(3): 644-662.
- Fristrup, K.M., Hatch, L.T. and Clark, C.W. 2003. Variation in humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) song length in relation to low-frequency sound broadcasts. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 113(6): 3411-3424.
- Gard, R. 1974. Aerial census of gray whales in Baja California lagoons, 1970 and 1973, with notes on behavior, mortality and conservation. California Fish and Game 60(3): 132-143.
- Hastings, M.C., Popper, A.N., Finneran, J.J. and Lanford, P.J. 1996. Effects of low-frequency underwater sound on hair cells of the inner ear and lateral line of the teleost fish Astronotus ocellatus. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 99(3): 1759-1766.
- Johnson, M. and Tyack, P.L. 2003. A Digital Acoustic Recording Tag for Measuring the Response of Wild Marine Mammals to Sound. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 28(1): 3-12.
- Kastak, D. and Schusterman, R.J. 1999. In-air and underwater hearing sensitivity of a northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris). Canadian Journal of Zoology 77(11): 1751-1758.
- Kastak, D. and Schusterman, R.J. 2002. Changes in auditory sensitivity with depth in a free-diving California sea lion (Zalophus californianus). Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 112(1): 329-333.
- Kastak, D., Schusterman, R.J., Southall, B.L. and Reichmuth, C.J. 1999. Underwater temporary threshold shift induced by octave-band noise in three species of pinnipeds. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 106(2): 1142-1148.
- Klimley, A.P. and Beavers, S.C. 1998. Playback of acoustic thermometry of ocean climate (ATOC)-like signal to bony fishes to evaluate phonotaxis. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 104 (4):2506-2510.
- Kryter, K.D. 1985. The effects of noise on man, 2nd ed. Orlando, FL: Academic Press.
- Ljungblad, D.K., Wursig, B., Swatrz, S.L., Keene, J.M. 1988. Observations on the Behavioral responses of bowhead whales to active geophysical vessels in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea. Arctic 41: 183-194.
- McCauley, R.D., Fewtrell, J. and Popper, A.N. 2003. High intensity anthropogenic sound damages fish ears. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 113(1): 638-642.
- Miller, P.J.O., Biassoni, N., Samuels, A. and Tyack, P.L. 2000. Whale songs lengthen in response to sonar. Nature 405(22 June 2000): 903.
- Mobley, J.R., Grotefendt, R.A., Forestell, P.H. and Frankel, A. 1999. Results of Aerial Surveys of Marine Mammals in the Major Hawaiian Islands (1993-1998): Report to the Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate Marine Mammal Research Program (ATOC MMRP). Cornell University Bioacoustics Research Program, Ithaca, NY.
- Provancha, J.A., Provancha, M.J. 1988. Long-term trends in abundance an distribution of manatees in the northern Banana River, Brevard County, FL. Marine Mammal Science 4: 323-338.
- Richardson, John W., Greene Jr., Charles R., Malme, Charles I., and Thomson, Denis H. 1995. Marine Mammals and Noise. Academic Press. 576.
- Schlundt, C.E., Finneran, J.J. and Carder, D.A. 2000. Temporary shift in masked hearing thresholds of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, and white whale, Delphinapterus leucas, after exposure to intense tones. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 107(6): 3496-3508.
- Smith, P.F. 1985. Toward a standard for hearing conservation for underwater hyperbaric environments. J. Aud. Res. 25(4): 221-238.
- Urick, R.J.1986. Ambient noise in the sea. Los Altos, CA: Peninsula Publishing.
Books for Students
- Ames, Lee, J. 1989. Draw 50 Sharks, Whales, and Other Sea Creatures. Doubleday, MA.
- Biddle, Steve. 2000. Underwater Origami: Aquatic Paper Folding for Kids. Barron.
- Carle, Eric. 1990. The Very Quiet Cricket. Philomel Books, NY 28.
- Cole, Joanna. 1992. The Magic School Bus on the Ocean Floor. Scholastic, New York, NY.
- Cole, Joanna. 1996. The Magic School Bus Going Batty: A Book About Bats. Scholastic, New York, NY.
- Dow, Leslie. 1990. Whales. Facts on File, New York, NY 68.
- Ericson, Anton. 1994. Whales and Dolphins. Kidsbooks, Inc. Chicago, IL. 24.
- Fish, John P. and Carr, H. Arnold. 1990. Sound Underwater Images. American Underwater Search and Survey Ltd. Cataumet, MA. 187.
- French, Vivian. 1998.Whale Journey. Zero to Ten Ltd., New York, NY.
- Hesse, Karen. 1996. The Music of Dolphins. Scholastic. New York, NY. 181.
- Matthews, Downs. 1997. Harp Seal Pups. Simon and Schuster, Boston, MA.
- O’Dell, Scott. 1960. Island of the Blue Dolphins. Houghton Mifflin.Boston, MA. 184.
- Rowland, Della. 1991. Whales and Dolphins. The Trumpet Club. New York, NY. 53.
- Rylant, Cynthia. 1996. The Whales. Blue Sky Press. New York, NY.
- Spooner, Michael. 1996. Old Meshikee and The Little Crabs. Henry Holt and Compnay. 32.
- Twain, Mark. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
- Verne, Jules. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
- Waddell, Martin. 1994. The Big, Big Sea. Candlewick Press, Cambridge, MA.
- Ward, Jennifer. 2000. Somewhere in the Ocean. Rising Moon Publisher.
Books with Audio Cassettes for Children
- Beluga Passage by Linda Lingemann
- Dolphins First Day by Kathleen Zoehfeld
- Little Walrus Warning by Carol Young
- Magic School Bus on the Ocean Floor
- Otter on His Own: the story of a sea otter by Doe Boyle
- The Whales’ Song by Dyan Sheldon
- Undersea City: a story of a Caribbean Coral Reef by Dana Meachen Rau
Internet Resources
- Sciaenid Acoustics Research Team, East Carolina University, “Fish Acoustics.” (Link)
- Kay, Sharon 2001, “Scientists Seek New Medicines From the Ocean (includes information on toadfish)” National Geographic News, August 7, 2001. (Link)
- Dr. Rodney Rountree, “Studies on Soniferous Fishes.” (Link)
- “The cocktail party effect: Fish and human brains perform ‘auditory scene analysis’ when looking for love in all the loud places.”Cornell University News. (Link)
People and Sound in the Sea
Printed Resources
- Allphin, D. 1997-2002. Identifying Forage. The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide (
- Benoit-Bird, K.J., Au, W.L., Kelley, C.D. and Taylor, C. 2003. Acoustic backscattering by deepwater fish measured in situ from a manned submersible. Deep Sea Research Part 1: Oceanographic Research Papers, 50(2): 221-229 p.
- Clark, C.W.1995. Acoustic tracking of whales using hydrophone arrays: Implications for behavioral studies and population estimates. Abstract from Acoustical Society of America 129th Meeting. (
- Cox, Albert W. 1974. Sonar and under water sound. D.C. Health Canada, Limited. Lexington, MA. 144 p. Fireman, J. 2002 Technology is key to sonar detection of fish size and species in real-time. Ocean News and Technology, May 2002. (
- Green, D. 2002. Large Area Monitoring of Marine Environments. Seoul Ocean Seminar of the 1st APEC Ocean-Related Ministerial Meeting, Proceedings.
- McDonald, M.A., Hildebrand, J.A. and Webb, S.C. 1995. Blue and fin whales observed on a seafloor array in the Northeast Pacific, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 98(2): 712-721 p.
- McDonald, M.A., Hildebrand, J.A. and Webb, S.C. 1995. Vocalization tracking of blue and fin whales in the North Pacific. Abstract from Acoustical Society of America 128th Meeting, Austin, TX, November 1994. (
- McDonald, M.A., Hildebrand, J.A., Webb, S., Dorman, L. and Fox, C.G. 1993. Vocalizations of blue and fin whales during a midocean ridge airgun experiment. Abstract from Acoustical Society of America 126th meeting, Denver, CO, October 1993. (
- Medwin Herman and Clay, Clarence S. 1998. Fundamentals of acoustical oceanography. Academic Press. Boston. 712 p.
- Moore, S.E., Watkins, W.A., Daher, M.A., Davies, J.R. and Dahlheim, M.E. 2002. Blue Whale Habitat Associations in the Northwest Pacific: analysis of remotely-sensed data using a Geographic Information System. Oceanography 15 (3): 20-25 p. (
- Moore, S.E., Stafford, K.M., Dahlheim, M.E., Fox, C.G., Braham, H.W., Polovina, J.J., and Bain, D.E. 1998. Seasonal variation in reception of fin whale calls at five geographic areas in the North Pacific. Marine Mammal Science 14(3): 617-627 p.
- Spindel, R.C., and P.F. Worcester. 1990. Ocean acoustic tomography. Scientific American 263: 94-99 p.
- Watlington, Frank. 1979. How to Build and Use Low-Cost Hydrophones. Tab Books. Blue Ridge Summit, PA. 140 p.
- Wit, Joel S. 1981. Advances in antisubmarine warfare. Scientific American 244(2): 31-41 p.
- Wolf, G. 1998. U.S. Navy Sonobuoys – Key to Antisubmarine Warfare. Sea Technology, Nov. 1998. 41-44 p.
Internet Resources
- 1999, “Alaska Sea Grant- Tools of Ecosystem Management.” (Link)
- “Boat U.S. Presents Chuck Husick – Fish Finders.” (Link)
- Fireman, J. 5/1/2002, “Data Acquisition Technology is Key to Sonar Detection of Fish Size and Species in Real Time.” Ocean News and Technology, May 2002. (Link)
- “Dive and Discover – Sound is the Answer to Underwater Navigation.” (Link)
- “Dive and Discover- Mapping the Ocean Floor with Echo Sounding.” (Link)
- “Institute for Marine Acoustics- Acoustics and Sonar Primer.” (Link)
- “Klein Associates.” (Link)
- “Lowrance Electronics Inc – Sonar Tutorial: Fish Arches.” (Link)
- “Mr. Wizard Predicts Future for Fish Finders.” (Link)
- WHOI- Dive and Discover, “Multibeam Bathymetry -The Successor to the Single-Beam Echo sounding.” (Link)
- Altonn, H. 6/2/2003, “Scientists use sonar to help identify favorite isle fish.” 2003. Honolulu Star-Bulletin ( (Link)
- “The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide – Get Serious About Sonar.” (Link)
- “University of New Hampshire: Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping.” (Link)
- “USGS Seafloor Mapping Technology.” (Link)
- “WHOI Voyage to Punta Ridge – Measuring Water Depth: Echosounding.” (Link)
Technology and Sound in the Sea
Printed Resources
- Bifano, T., etal. A Novel Microelectromechanical System (MEMS) Design for an Underwater Acoustic Field Sensor, Boston University
- Richardson, W.J., Greene, C.R., Malme, C.I. and Thomson, D.H. 1995. Marine Mammals and Noise. San Diego, CA: Academic Press
- Steig, The Use of Acoustics Tags to Monitor the Movement of Juvenile Salmonids Approaching a Dam on the Columbia River
- Steig and Ehrenberg. 2002. A Method for Estimating the “Position Accuracy” of Acoustic Fish Tags. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 59: 140-149.
Internet Resources
- University of South Carolina, Marine Sediments Laboratory, “Acoustic Release.” (Link)
- BENTHOS, “Acoustic Release Brochure.” (Link)
- Sonardyne, “Acoustic Release Transponders.” (Link)
- “Hydrophone.” (Link)
- “NOAA Ocean Explorer – Technologies for Ocean Acoustic Monitoring.” (Link)
- Benthos, “Pingers and Locaters.” (Link)
- Subsea Sonics, “Underwater Acoustic Release System.” (Link)