Modeling and Prediction of Ocean Ambient Sound

Image by Spire Global Applied Ocean Sciences on a Spilhaus Projection.

As part of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and a follow-on to the First International Ocean Decade Conference, the Ocean Decade Laboratories will be held in 2021 and 2022. Ocean Decade Laboratories connect diverse actors from around the globe and act as a platform for catalyzing partnerships and co-designing Decade Actions. The Ocean Decade Laboratories are a series of online sessions structured around the seven Ocean Decade Outcomes. In September 15-17, 2021, the Predicted Ocean Laboratory was held online. One satellite activity of A Predicted Ocean was the Modeling and Prediction of Ocean Ambient Sound. Understanding sound in the ocean is critical to support users of, and life within, the ocean. The satellite activity had speakers that described the challenges to understanding underwater soundscapes and the potential hazards of not addressing important research issues. This page serves as an archive of the activities of the Modeling and Prediction of Ocean Ambient Sound event.

Links to the information about the First International Ocean Decade Conference and the Ocean Decade Laboratories can be found on the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine:

Ocean Decade Conference

Ocean Decade Laboratories

Predicted Ocean Laboratory

Predicted Ocean Satellite Activities

Modeling and Prediction of Ocean Ambient Sound Event Presentations


by Martin Siderius

Download Presentation (PPT, 4.4MB)

Overview of Underwater Sound

by Kyle Becker

Download Presentation (PPT, 11.2 MB)

Challenges in Managing Underwater Sound

by Leila Hatch

Download Presentation (PPT, 5.5 MB)

The Underwater Soundscape,

by Kathy Vigness-Raposa

Download Presentation (PPT, 12.3 MB)

Sound and Marine Life

by Michele Halvorsen

Soundscapes for a global census of vocalizing baleen whales

by Michael Ainslie

Download Presentation (PPT, 10.5 MB)

Modeling Underwater Sound

by Mark Prior

Modeling how Sounds from Human Activities Affect Marine Life

by Bruce Martin

International Quiet Ocean Experiment

by Jennifer Miksis-Olds

Download Presentation (PPT, 6 MB)

Questions and Discussion

Image by Spire Global Applied Ocean Sciences on a Spilhaus Projection.