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Science of Sound
What is sound?
How do you characterize sounds?
Amplitude and Intensity
How are sounds made?
What happens when sound pressures are large?
Sound Movement
How fast does sound travel?
Why does sound get weaker as it travels?
Sound Spreading
Sound Absorption
How does sound move?
Sound Scattering Layers
How does sound travel long distances? The SOFAR Channel
Sound Speed Minimum
Sound Travel in the SOFAR Channel
Sound Channel Variability
History of the SOFAR Channel
How does sound propagate from air into water?
How does sea ice affect how sound travels?
How does sound propagate through sediment?
Sound Measurement
How is sound measured?
What units are used to measure sound?
How are sounds viewed and analyzed?
How is hearing measured?
What sounds can people hear?
What sounds can animals hear?
Sounds in the Sea
What are common underwater sounds?
What are soundscapes?
How does sound in air differ from sound in water?
How do people and animals use sound in the sea?
Why do sounds have certain properties?
How will ocean acidification affect ocean sound levels?
How does marine life affect ocean sound levels?
How does shipping affect ocean sound levels?
Noise Field in the Arctic
How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect underwater sound?
Advanced Topics
What is intensity?
Introduction to Decibels
Introduction to Signal Levels
Signal Processing
Nyquist Sampling
Sound Pressure Levels and Sound Exposure Levels
Frequency Weighting of Signal Levels
What is source level?
Introduction to Phase
Ocean Noise Variability and Noise Budgets
Cylindrical vs. Spherical Spreading
Propagation from a sound source array in the near field and far field
Wave Front Propagation
How does sound travel in shallow water?
How does sound travel in very shallow waters?
SONAR Equation
Sonar Equation Example: Active Sonar
Sonar Equation Example: Passive Sonar
Detection Threshold for Sonar
Statistical Uncertainty
Measurement Errors
Natural Variability
False Positives and False Negatives
Statistical vs. Biological Significance
Propagation Modeling
Science of Sound Summary
Animals and Sound
Importance of Sound
Why is sound important to marine animals?
Use of Sound
How animals extract information about the ambient environment: Passive listening
How do marine animals use sound?
Marine Mammal Communication
Individual-specific Vocalizations
Group-specific Vocalizations
Vocalizations Associated with Reproduction
Sounds Associated with Aggression
Marine fish communication
Marine invertebrate communication
Marine mammals feeding
Marine fish and invertebrates feeding
Marine mammal navigation
Sound Production
How do marine mammals produce sounds?
How do fish produce sounds?
How do marine invertebrates produce sounds?
Sound Reception
How do marine mammals hear?
Hearing in Land Mammals
Hearing in Amphibious Marine Mammals
Hearing in Cetaceans and Sirenians, the Fully Aquatic Ear
How do sea turtles hear?
How do aquatic birds hear?
How do fish detect sound?
How do marine invertebrates detect sounds?
Effects of Sound
Determine if a sound affects a marine animal
Considerations for “Contained” Studies in Laboratory or Captive Settings
Potential effects of sound on marine mammals
Behavioral Changes in Mammals
Masking in Mammals
Hearing Loss in Mammals
Impacts of Impulsive Sound
Potential effects of sound on marine fishes
Behavioral Changes in Fishes
Masking in Fishes
Hearing Loss in Fishes
Physiological Stress
Acoustic Issues Related to Diadromous Fishes
Criteria for Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on Fishes
Potential effects of sound on marine invertebrates
Measure marine mammal’s reaction to sound
Hearing Sensitivity Studies
Visual Observations
Acoustic Monitoring
Tagging Studies
Controlled Exposure Experiments
Moderate or eliminate the effects of human activities
Ship Quieting Technologies
Anthropogenic Sound Sources
Commercial Vessel Traffic
Small Vessels
Single Beam Echosounders
Multibeam Echosounder
Pile driving
Seismic Airguns
Wind Turbine
Advanced Topics
Blast Injury, Barotrauma, and Acoustic Trauma
Detection Threshold in Animal Hearing
What components of sound are used for hearing?
Acoustic Masking in Mammals
Marine Mammal Hearing Attenuation
How did odontocete hearing evolve?
Low Frequency Sound Production and Reception in Mammals
Specialized Sounds in Cetacean Communication
Hearing Loss
Population Consequences of Disturbance
Animals and Sound Summary
People and Sound
How is sound used to navigate underwater?
How is sound used to measure water depth?
How is sound used to find objects on the ocean bottom?
How is sound used to locate fish?
How is sound used to identify fish?
How is sound used to detect illegal fishing?
How is sound used to communicate underwater?
How is sound used to transmit data underwater?
Research Ocean Physics
How is sound used to measure temperature in the ocean?
How is sound used to measure global climate change?
How is sound used to measure currents in the ocean?
How is sound used to measure waves in the surf zone?
How is sound used to measure the upper ocean?
How is sound used to help make long-term measurements of the ocean?
Examine the Earth
How is sound used to study the Earth’s history?
How is sound used to explore for oil and gas?
How is sound used to measure, detect, and track oil?
How is sound used to study undersea earthquakes?
How is sound used to study underwater volcanoes?
How is sound used to map the seafloor?
How is sound used to research wind energy?
Using acoustics to explore the unknown ocean
Investigate Marine Animals
How is sound used to study marine mammal distribution?
How is sound used to estimate marine mammal abundance?
How is acoustics used to monitor Arctic marine mammals?
How is sound used to protect marine mammals?
How is sound used to study the distribution of marine fishes?
How is sound used to measure plankton?
How is active acoustics used in fisheries research and management?
How is sound used to study coral reefs?
How is sound used to identify ecological hotspots?
How is sound used to monitor and study seagrass beds?
Study Weather
How is sound used to measure rainfall over the ocean?
How is sound used to measure wind over the ocean?
National Defense
How is sound used to find submarines?
How is sound used to monitor nuclear testing?
How is sound used to monitor and defend harbors?
History of Underwater Acoustics
The 1800s
The Early 1900s
World War I: 1914-1918
The 1920s and 1930s
World War II: 1941-1945
The Cold War
People and Sound Summary
For Decision Makers
DOSITS Webinars
2024 Webinar Series
2023 Webinar Series
Webinar Archive: Natural Underwater Sounds Overview
Webinar Archive: Extreme Natural Sounds
Webinar Archive: Saturn Project Results: Marine Mammals and Vessel Noise
Webinar Archive: Marine Mammal Response to Noise
2022 Webinar Series
Webinar Archive: Introduction to Underwater Acoustics
Webinar Archive: Acoustic Propagation Modeling
Webinar Archive: Sound During Offshore Wind Developments
Webinar Archive: Signal Processing 101 & Soundscapes
Webinar Archive: DOSITS 20th Anniversary
2021 Webinar series
Webinar Archive: Passive Acoustic Monitoring Overview
Webinar Archive: Acoustic Tags
Webinar Archive: Causes of Hearing Loss in Marine Mammals
Webinar Archive: Noise Abatement Systems
2020 Webinar Series
Webinar Archive: Fundamentals of Underwater Sound
Webinar Archive: NMFS Regulatory Approach
Webinar Archive: Passive Acoustics Data
Webinar Archive: An International Comparison
2019 Webinar Series Archive: Anthropogenic Sound Sources
Webinar Archive: Seismic Sources
Webinar Archive: Pile Driving and Wind Turbines
Webinar Archive: Commercial Vessel Traffic
Webinar Archive: Sonar, Echosounders & Military Sonar
2018 Webinar Series Archive
Webinar Archive: Sound Reception in Marine Mammals
Webinar Archive: Potential Effects of Sound on Marine Mammals
Webinar Archive: Sound Production and Reception in Teleost Fishes
Webinar Archive: Potential Effects of Sound on Marine Fishes
Webinar Archive: 2015-2016 Series
Webinar Archive: Science of Sound
Webinar Archive: Marine Animal Sound Production and Reception
Webinar Archive: Potential Effects of Sound on Marine Mammals
Webinar Archive: Potential Effects of Sound on Fishes
Webinar Archive: Summary and Questions
DOSITS Webinar Testing and Troubleshooting Tips
Science of Sound Video
Marine Mammal Hearing Video
Hearing in Marine Fishes
Ecological Risk Assessment Video
Decision Maker Tutorials
Decision Makers Effects of Sound Tutorial Introduction
Tutorial: Mammals – Behavior Changes
Tutoria:l Mammals – Masking
Tutorial: Mammals – Hearing loss
Tutorial: Mammals – Strandings
Tutorial: Fishes – Behavioral Change
Tutorial: Fishes – Masking
Tutorial: Fishes – Hearing Loss
Tutorial: Fishes – Physiological Stress
Determine if a Sound Affects a Marine Animal Tutorial Introduction
Tutorial: Sound Levels at Distance and Depth
Tutorial: Where are marine animals likely to be located relative to the source?
Tutorial: Sound Level Exposure
Tutorial: Can Animals Sense These Sounds Part I
Tutorial: Can Animals Sense These Sounds Part II
Decision Makers Science of Sound Tutorial Introduction
Science Tutorial: What is Sound?
Science Tutorial: How do you characterize sounds?
Science Tutorial: Amplitude (Intensity)
Science Tutorial: Frequency
Science Tutorial: Wavelength
Science Tutorial: Sound Speed
Science Tutorial: Sound Spreading
Science Tutorial: Sound Absorption
Science Tutorial: How are sounds viewed and analyzed?
Science Tutorial: How does sound in air differ from sound in water?
Science Tutorial: Sound Pressure Levels and Sound Exposure Levels
Decision Makers Sound Source Tutorial Introduction
Tutorial: Commercial Vessel Traffic
Tutorial: Echosounders
Tutorial: Pile Driving
Tutorial: Seismic Airgun
Tutorial: Sonar Source
Tutorial: Wind Turbine
Reference List: Animals and Sound
Ocean Sound Policies
DOSITS Resources for Decision Makers
Units Page for Regulators
Seismic Airgun Fact Sheet
UN Ocean Decade Ocean Ambient Sound
Scientific Method
Scientific Uncertainty
DOSITS Webinars
2024 Webinar Series
2023 Webinar Series
2022 Webinar Series
2021 Webinar Series
2020 Webinar Series
2019 Webinar Series Archive: Anthropogenic Sound Sources
2018 Webinar Series Archive
Webinar Archive: 2015-2016 Series
DOSITS Webinar Privacy Policy
DOSITS Webinar Testing and Troubleshooting Tips
Audio Gallery
Marine Mammals
Baleen Whales
Blue Whale
Pygmy Blue Whale
Bowhead Whale
Bryde’s Whale
Fin Whale
Gray Whale
Humpback Whale
Minke Whales
North Atlantic Right Whale
Sei Whale
Southern Right Whale
Toothed Whales
Amazon River Dolphin, Boto
Baiji, Yangtze River Dolphin
Beaked Whales
Beluga Whale, White Whale
Bottlenose Dolphin
Common Dolphin
Dall’s Porpoise
False Killer Whale
Finless Porpoise
Harbor Porpoise
Killer Whale, Orca
Australian Humpback Dolphin
Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin
Melon-headed whale
Pantropical Spotted Dolphin
Pilot Whale
Risso’s Dolphin
Rough-toothed dolphin
Sperm Whale
Spinner Dolphin
White-sided Dolphin
Bearded Seal
California Sea Lion
Crabeater Seal
Harbor Seal
Gray Seal
Hawaiian Monk Seal
Hooded Seal
Leopard Seal
Northern Fur Seal
Ribbon Seal
Ringed Seal
Ross Seal
Weddell Seal
West Indian Manatee
Amazonian Manatee
African Manatee
Dugong (Dugong Dugon)
Marine Invertebrates
Mantis Shrimp
Snapping Shrimp
Sea Urchin (Kina)
Spiny Lobster
Arctic Char
Atlantic Croaker
Bar Jack
Barred Grunt
Bigeye Scad
New Zealand Bigeye
Black Drum
Bluestriped Grunt
Brown meagre
Cusk Eel
Dusky Damselfish
Gulf Corvina
Longhorn Sculpin
Lusitanian toadfish
Nassau Grouper
Northern Seahorse
Oyster Toadfish
Painted Goby
Plainfin Midshipman
Red Drum
Red Grouper
Rock Hind
Sand Seatrout
Spotted Seatrout
Hardhead Sea Catfish
Silver Perch
Stoplight Parrotfish
Striped Searobin
Other Natural Sounds
Hydrothermal vents
Ice Cracking
Iceberg Collisions
Submarine Volcanic Eruptions
Waves on Beach
Anthropogenic Sounds
ATOC Transmission
Bubble Curtain
Explosive Sound Sources
Mid-frequency Active Sonar Sound
Multibeam Echosounder
Ocean Acoustic Tomography Transmission
Outboard Motor
Personal Water Craft (PWC)
Pile Driving
Sound of Aerial Drones Underwater
Tidal Turbine
Underwater Breathing Apparatus
Wind Turbine Sounds
Audio Gallery Summary
Technology Gallery
Basic Technology
Acoustic Release
Explosive Sound Sources Technology
Hydrophone Arrays
Projector (sound source)
Projector Array
Vector Sensors
Ocean Observatories
Observing the Sea Floor
Airgun Technology
Multibeam Echosounder
Side Scan Sonar
Sub-bottom Profiler
Marine Vibroseis
Observing Ocean Currents and Temperature
Acoustic Current Meters
ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler)
RAFOS Floats
Acoustic Tomographic Mooring
Inverted Echosounders
SOFAR Floats
Acoustic Rain Gauge (ARG)
WOTAN: “Wind Observations Through Ambient Noise”
Observing and Monitoring Marine Animals
Acoustic Fish Tags
Fish Finding Sonar
Archival Marine Acoustic Recording Units (ARUs)
Real-time Passive Acoustic Sensors
Autonomous Surface Vehicles
Passive Acoustic Recording Tags
Underwater Acoustic Cameras
Underwater Gliders
Locating Sources of Sound
CTBT Hydrophone Station
Sound Surveillance System (SOSUS)
Locating objects using sonar
Sonar Technology
SURTASS LFA Sonar Technology
Mid-frequency Active Sonar
Forward Looking Sonar
Communication Technology
Acoustic Modem
Navigation Technology
Acoustic Transponders
Underwater GPS
Technology Gallery Summary
Scientist Gallery
Dr. Rossby
Dr. Miller
Dr. Benoit-Bird
Dr. Au
Dr. Ketten
Career Gallery
Educator Resources
Media Resources
Student Resources
DOSITS 10th Anniversary Symposium
Modeling and Prediction of Ocean Ambient Sound
For Decision Makers
Science of Sound Tutorial: Introduction
Tutorial: What is Sound?
Tutorial: Intensity or Loudness
Tutorial: Frequency or Pitch
Tutorial: Speed of Sound
Tutorial: Wavelength
Tutorial: Sound Spreading
Tutorial: Reflection
Tutorial: Refraction
Tutorial: Scattering
Tutorial: Sound Channel
Effects Tutorial Introduction
Effects Tutorial Overview
Tutorial: Behavioral Changes
Tutorial: Masking
Tutorial: Hearing Loss
Tutorial: Physiological Stress
Tutorial: Strandings
Tutorial: How do you determine if a sound affects a marine animal?
Tutorial: How can we moderate or eliminate the effects of human activities?
Technology Tutorial Introduction
Tutorial: Projector (Sound Source)
Tutorial: Sonar
Tutorial: Measure Water Depth
Tutorial: Find Objects on the Sea Floor
Tutorial: Find Fish
Tutorial: Communicate Underwater
Tutorial: Measure Temperature
Tutorial: Measure Currents
Tutorial: Study the Sea Floor
Facts and Myths
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People and Sound
Chris Knowlton
How is sound used to locate fish?
How is sound used to identify fish?
How is sound used to detect illegal fishing?
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