Webinar Archive: NMFS Regulatory Approach

Review of NMFS Regulatory Approach to Underwater NoiseThursday, July 23, 2020 – Jolie Harrison

Jolie is the Chief of the Permits and Conservation Division in the Office of Protected Resources in the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), NOAA, and manages two national regulatory programs:

· The Incidental Take Program implements the provisions of the MMPA that allow for the authorization of marine mammal impacts resulting from activities such as military training, oil and gas exploration, or coastal construction.

· The Directed Take Program implements the provisions of the MMPA and the ESA that allow for research, enhancement, and photography of marine mammals and ESA-listed fish and sea turtles, and provide oversight of captive marine mammals.

Jolie also co-leads the Ocean Noise Strategy, which lays out a comprehensive and integrated approach to align NOAA’s many programs, authorities, and capabilities to better address the impacts of Ocean Noise on protected species and their habitat.

Prior to her 12 years at NMFS, Jolie worked at the US Fish and Wildlife Service conducting ESA Section 7 and 10 consultations and mitigating wetland impacts under the Clean Water Act. Jolie has a B.S. in Biology and a M.S. in Environmental Science from Christopher Newport University, and in between those two degrees was side-tracked into an ultimately useful 7-year mini-career in retail management.


Watch the webinar recording of Review of NMFS Regulatory Approach to Underwater Noise


2020 DOSITS Webinar Series Archives

  • Fundamentals of Underwater SoundArchived recording
    Tuesday, June 2, 2020
    Tracianne Neilsen – Department of Physics and Astronomy, Brigham Young University
  • Review of NMFS Regulatory Approach to Underwater Noise
    Thursday, July 23, 2020
    Jolie Harrison –  Permits and Conservation Division, NMFS Office of Protected Resources


DOSITS Webinar Archives

Archived webinars from past series