Webinar Archive: Underwater Radiated Noise from Vessels (SATURN)

Underwater Radiated Noise from Vessels (SATURN) Overview – April 24, 2024



Dr. Ir. Christ A.F. de Jong, TNO



Dr. Ir. Christ A.F. de Jong is a senior consultant in the Acoustics division of the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO). He has been working in the fields of underwater acoustics and ship acoustics since 1986. For many years he was ship acoustic advisor for the Royal Netherlands Navy and responsible for research projects aimed at managing the underwater acoustic signature of naval platforms. Nowadays he is mainly involved in studies of the environmental impact of anthropogenic underwater sound on marine life, with a focus on shipping and the construction of offshore wind farms. He is an active member of the ISO/TC43/SC3 working groups responsible for the development of measurement standards for underwater radiated noise of ships and of marine piling. In the EU Horizon 2020 project SATURN he contributes to various tasks, including ship URN measurements, acoustic modelling and sound exposure studies on mammals, fishes, and invertebrates.


Dr. Ir. Johan Bosschers, MARIN


Dr. Ir. Johan Bosschers is a senior researcher at the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN). Since the start of his career at MARIN in 1996, he has been mainly involved in propeller and propulsion related projects. His experience includes application and development of computational methods, performing model-tests and assist with sea trials, particularly in the field of propeller-induced hull-pressure fluctuations and underwater radiated noise. He is also active in research projects on hydroacoustics of naval propellers. Johan earned his PhD on the topic of propeller tip-vortex cavitation and its broadband noise. He has chaired two Specialist Commitees working on propeller noise in the International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC), and is currently coordinator of work package 4 of the EU Horizon 2020 project SATURN in which technical mitigation measures for ship noise are investigated.



Watch the Webinar Recording: Underwater Radiated Noise from Vessels (SATURN)



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