Webinar Archive: Marine Mammal Response to Noise
How Marine Mammals Respond to Underwater Ambient Noise – October 2023
- Download Dr Fannie Shabangu’s presentation as a PDF
- Transcript of Q&A section of webinar – coming soon
Dr Fannie W. Shabangu, Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Cape Town, South Africa

Dr Fannie W. Shabangu is a fisheries biologist in the Fisheries Management Branch at the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Cape Town, South Africa, as well as a research fellow in the Mammal Research Institute Whale Unit at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. Fannie completed his BSc degree in zoology and biochemistry at the University of Limpopo, South Africa, in 2005 and did his BSc Honors degree in aquaculture at the same university in 2006. In 2009, he received his MSc degree in fisheries biology and management from the University of Bergen, Norway, focussing on the effects of wind-induced air bubbles on fisheries acoustics surveys. He completed his PhD at the University of Pretoria in 2018 on the acoustic occurrence and behaviour of Antarctic blue whales in the Southern Ocean and off the west coast of South Africa. Ever since then he has continued to conduct passive acoustics research focusing on the seasonal acoustic occurrence, acoustic repertoire, vocalizing behaviour, and impacts of underwater noise on marine organisms such as cetaceans, pinnipeds, and fish.