Webinar Archive: Passive Acoustic Monitoring Overview
Passive Acoustic Monitoring Overview: Applications for Marine Mammals and Fishes
Thursday, April 8, 2021 – Dr. Sofie Van Parijs
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Dr. Sofie Van Parijs has worked on passive acoustic research from the poles to the Tropics for over 20 years. She has undergraduate and masters degrees from Cambridge University and a PhD from Aberdeen University in the UK. She worked as a postdoctoral scientist at the Norwegian Polar Institute, James Cook University in Australia and Cornell University before moving to NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center in Woods Hole in 2006. At NMFS she is the program leader for the passive acoustic research program within the Protected Species Branch which consists of federal scientists, postdoctoral researchers, PhD students, research analysts and summer interns. She has published over 110 papers in international journals and represents NMFS in a wide range of fora within the US and internationally. Her expertise in marine bio-acoustics has addressed questions on behavioral ecology, soundscapes, distribution, abundance, long term monitoring, mitigation and effects of ocean noise on marine mammals. This has given her extensive experience collecting data with archival, real time autonomous vehicles and towed arrays.
Watch the Webinar Recording: Passive Acoustic Monitoring Overview