Hot Topic – Measuring Methane Bubble Plumes

Using Underwater Acoustics to Detect and Measure Global Ocean Methane Flux Close up imagery of methane hydrate. Scientists study methane hydrates as a potential natural gas source and for its potential role in releasing methane to the atmosphere during climate change events. Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research. [...]

Hot Topic – Measuring Methane Bubble Plumes2019-04-24T06:50:15-05:00

Hot Topic – Listening to Monterey Bay

Hydrophone Provides Continuous, Live Stream of Deep Sea Sounds from Monterey Bay Location of the MARS hydrophone, on the Smooth Ridge, at the edge of Monterey Canyon, approximately 30 km (18 mi) from shore. Image credit: MBARI. The Monterey Accelerated Research System (MARS) cabled observatory, the first cabled oceanographic observatory on the U.S. [...]

Hot Topic – Listening to Monterey Bay2022-02-16T11:10:05-05:00

Hot Topic- Passive Acoustic Monitoring Critical to Vaquita Conservation Efforts

An international team of experts have partnered on a “bold” conservation plan (VaquitaCPR; to prevent the most endangered marine mammal in the world, the vaquita porpoise (Phocoena sinus), from going extinct. The vaquita is only found in the upper portion of Mexico’s Gulf of California. Its population was estimated at 567 individuals in 1997, [...]

Hot Topic- Passive Acoustic Monitoring Critical to Vaquita Conservation Efforts2020-11-23T12:35:18-05:00

Hot Topic – Guidance on Determining Potential Effects to Marine Mammal Hearing

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is the U.S. federal agency that is responsible for the stewardship of the nation’s ocean resources, including the management of the majority of marine mammals, such as whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals, and sea lions. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has jurisdiction over walruses, polar bears, manatees, dugongs, and sea [...]

Hot Topic – Guidance on Determining Potential Effects to Marine Mammal Hearing2022-06-01T13:31:52-05:00

Hot Topic – Tracking Great White Sharks

Acoustic Tracking Technologies Shed Light on the Feeding Behavior of Great White Sharks (left) Specially modified REMUS (remote environmental monitoring unit) autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) used to locate, follow, and record the behavior, habitat use, and feeding ecology of great white sharks off the coast of Mexico. Note the bite marks, scrapes, and scars [...]

Hot Topic – Tracking Great White Sharks2021-11-05T14:58:55-05:00

Hot Topic – Monitoring Wind Farm Construction

Monitoring the Construction of the First U.S. Offshore Wind Farm for Potential Noise Impacts on Marine Life Scientists deploy a hydrophone array to monitor the noise from construction of wind turbines of the coast of Block Island, Rhode Island. Photo credit: Jim Miller. Wind energy is increasingly being used as an alternative energy source. Winds [...]

Hot Topic – Monitoring Wind Farm Construction2019-06-19T07:09:08-05:00

Hot Topic – Hearing Sensitivity

False killer whales can lower their hearing sensitivity A recent paper by Paul Nachtigall and Alexander Supin describes how a false killer whale is able to lower its hearing sensitivity before a loud sound when given a warning beforehand. Because many marine animals depend on their hearing for feeding and communication, loud sounds in the environment can have an impact [...]

Hot Topic – Hearing Sensitivity2020-10-06T13:20:04-05:00

Hot Topic- Ocean-Based Renewable Energy

Ocean-Based Renewable Energy The European Union (EU) has committed to producing 20% of its energy from renewable sources by 2020. This has led countries such as Sweden, Ireland, Germany, and Denmark to be pioneers in developing a variety of technologies to harness and deliver energy. Systems associated with winds, waves, and tides produce underwater noise, the effects [...]

Hot Topic- Ocean-Based Renewable Energy2020-01-08T12:05:18-05:00
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