Modeling and Prediction of Ocean Ambient Sound
Meeting Presentations - Part of the UN Ocean Decade
Southern Right Whale
Southern right whales have a circumpolar distribution in the Southern Hemisphere.
Hearing in Amphibious Marine Mammals
The ears of amphibious marine mammals need to function both in air and under water.
Fin Whale
Fin whales produce a variety of low frequency sounds, some of which can be as loud as 190 underwater dB.
How does sound travel in shallow water?
The way in which sound speed changes with depth is not the same everywhere in shallow water.
Components of sound used for hearing
Particle motion, pressure, and velocity components of sound all all used for hearing.
Reverberation is the total of all scattering received at a particular location.
Hooded Seal
Underwater sounds are typically broadband and pulsed, and have been described as clicks, trills, knocks, whoops, growls, and moans.
Introduction to Phase
Phase specifies the location or timing of a point within a wave cycle of a repetitive waveform.